Newsletter Term 2 Week 2 (Wednesday 3 May 2023)
Our Front Page with Kindergarten...
Our Gospel Reflection
From Our Principal
Catholic Schools Week
Parent Forum News
Mother's Day Stall - Thursday 11th May
Positive Behaviour 4 Learning (PB4L)
From the Wellbeing Team
Seasons For Growth
Happy Birthday to You
Upcoming Dates
Free Parenting Course
Trinity Open Day
Our Front Page with Kindergarten...
Kindergarten has got off to a flying start this term! During our first week back we continued to focus on our sounds and blending these together to make words and spent time in the library reading with our Year 5 buddies. In Mathematics we used scales to balance weights and made a giant ten frame to break apart number 10. We also started our very first Science unit on Living Things and spent time with Miss Bugden becoming different characters during our Drama unit. Learning in Kindergarten is so much fun!
Our Gospel Reflection
The readings for the last few Sundays have been about the Resurrection, but this Sunday’s Gospel takes us back in time to an event in Jesus’ life before his Passion. Jesus tells his disciples that he is going to prepare a place for them in his Father’s house. He promises that where he is going, his disciples will be able to follow. Thomas, who will later doubt the disciples’ reports that they have seen the Risen Lord, contradicts Jesus by saying that the disciples don’t know where Jesus is going or how to get there. Jesus explains that he himself is the way, the truth, and the life. In knowing and loving Jesus, the disciples now love God the Father.
Philip then makes a request that challenges Jesus’ words. Philip wants Jesus to show the Father to the disciples. Recall that Jesus has just told his disciples, “If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” As a good teacher, Jesus responds to Philip by repeating and elaborating on what he has just told the disciples: they have seen and known Jesus, so they have seen and known the Father. Then Jesus offers another reassurance about his departure: because of faith in God and in Jesus, the disciples will do the work that Jesus has done and more.
The connection between Jesus and his Father, between Jesus’ work and the work of the Father, is made clear in today’s Gospel. Jesus is in the Father, and God the Father is in Jesus. As God spoke his name to Moses, “I am,” so too Jesus speaks his name to his disciples: “I am the way and the truth and the life.”
The revelation of the Trinity is completed in the passage that follows today’s reading, and it is the Gospel for next Sunday. Because Jesus goes away, the Father will send in Jesus’ name the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will continue the work of the Father and of Jesus.
From Our Principal
Catholic Schools Week
This week we celebrate Catholic School Week, with the theme of ‘Living our Mission’. Catholic education in Australia has been described as the ‘jewel in the crown’ of the Australian Church, with the first Catholic school founded in Parramatta in 1820. We are privileged at St Brigid’s to carry forward this great legacy as we continue to live out the mission of the church in our classrooms each day.
This week we remember our place in this terrific tradition. We invite parents and carers to join us for our Catholic Schools Week liturgy on Friday 5th May at 11:30am in the Parish Hall.
Following our liturgy we invite all families to take the opportunity of having a picnic lunch on the grounds of our school with your children.
We hope you can join us to celebrate this important event.
Tell Them From Me - Partners in Learning Surveys
Over the next two weeks, we will be inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to continue our commitment to working together in partnership, to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Brigid's Primary School. The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Note that most responses are multiple-choice using a scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. It can be quite easy to mix this scale up when completing the survey. Please take your time to read the questions carefully, so we have the most accurate data we can attain.
You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using this link We also have a device available at the school office for parents to use to complete the survey, if this is more convenient.
Thank you for sharing your voice to help us guide our school forward.
Attendance Matters
Regular attendance at school for every student is essential. Student non-attendance at school places the student’s learning, social and emotional growth at risk. Thank you to our parents for the support and value you place on your child being at school each day. Regular school attendance plays a critical role in ensuring that every student has access to the same learning opportunities. Our school’s attendance goal for all students is 90%. Our data currently indicate that we have a significant number of students whose attendance in Term 1 was well below an acceptable level.
Schools in partnerships with families are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students and for ensuring that non-attendance is addressed effectively. While families are legally responsible for the regular attendance of their children, the school, as part of our duty of care, is required to record and monitor part and whole-day absences. The school has legal obligations to follow up with the family and legal departments when non-attendance becomes and continues to be a concern.
This term we have introduced a new award, Stars of the Week which will be presented to the class with the best average attendance for the week. Last week was the first time we presented and the inaugural winning class was Year 6 with a weekly attendance average of 96.1%. This award will be presented each and every Friday.
Remember our whole school goal is 90%. The whole school average weekly attendance for this term is as follows:
Week 1: 90% - Year 6 (96.1%), Year 1 (95.6%), Year 3 (93.6%)
Ready 4 Learning
It was great to see our 2023 intake of Ready4Learning students attend our school last Friday for the very first time. They were so excited and so settled and looking forward to a very exciting year of school readiness. A reminder that there will be no Ready4Learning this week (Friday 5th) and it will resume again next Friday 12th May
Catholic Schools Week
Our school will join with more than 620 Catholic schools across NSW and the ACT to celebrate the annual Catholic Schools Week (CSW). This will take place in our school during Week 2 this term.
This year’s theme “Living our Mission’’ highlights the mission of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Lismore. The Catholic school community has a co-responsibility in the service of mission through sharing Jesus’ messages of love and forgiveness, peace, hope and joy as revealed in the Gospels. The transforming power of mission ensures our students experience the fullness of life (John 10:10).
We are immensely proud of the important role the Catholic school has alongside our Bishop, Parish Priest, school staff, parishioners and families in the missionary activity of bringing the ‘Good News' to the world. This week provides us with the opportunity to showcase and celebrate the missionary activities of our Catholic schools as well as the quality education we offer.
I would like to extend an invitation for you to participate with members of our parish and wider community in the spirit of this celebration. Below is a schedule of events for the week that you are invited to attend:
- Catholic Schools Week Liturgy and lunch on Friday, 5th May in the Parish Hall from 11:30am.
Thank you for your ongoing support. We look forward to seeing you during our celebrations for Catholic Schools Week in 2023.
Parent Forum News
All parents and carers are warmly welcomed and encouraged to attend our Forum Meeting scheduled for next Tuesday, 9 May 2023 at 3.30pm - 4.30pm. (See agenda below).
While this meeting gives our parent community a valuable chance to make some decisions, share ideas and learn from our Assistant Principal - Learning, Vanessa Walters. Our children will be engaging with our Assistant Principal - Mission, Kelli-Ann Bugden in a Youth Group setting.
Attention: all sub-committees please come prepared to present your reports to the forum.
Minutes from the meeting will be published in the newsletter within two weeks of this meeting being held.
Mother's Day Stall - Thursday 11th May
Mrs Barsby will be setting up her famous Mother's Day stall next Thursday 11th May. Students can purchase gifts for Mum's, Grandmother's, or any other special person in their life. Cost will range from $2 to $5, and we ask that the correct change is brought along.
Positive Behaviour 4 Learning (PB4L)
Focus for Week 2: We are responsible and respectful and follow all classroom expectations at all times.
From the Wellbeing Team
This week’s strength is CURIOSITY.
Curiosity describes the attribute of being interested, wanting to explore new things, and being open to new ideas. It is a well-acknowledged fact that most cats are curious, and many people are too!
Is curiosity a particular strength belonging to you or someone close to you? How does curiosity feature in your day-to-day life, and how does it help you or your loved ones to grow and tackle challenges? Take a moment to acknowledge the strength of curiosity in yourself and others, and consider how this strength enriches life for you and the people around you.
Seasons For Growth
Dear Families,
Just a reminder that St. Brigid’s is offering the Seasons For Growth Program to students in 2023. This is a small group program based on the belief that change, loss and grief are a normal and natural art of life. If you feel that your child might benefit from Seasons, please nominate your interest via the link below. If your child is nominated, a Permission Form and Information Letter further outlining the Program will be sent home with your child.
Please note, it is recommended that anyone affected by bereavement wait 6 to 12 months before participating in the Seasons For Growth Program.
Sereena Zanuso Student Support Worker.
Happy Birthday to You
Wishing the following children all the very best for their special day this week and over the school holidays:
6th - Nate Jones
7th - Hamish Laarhoven
8th - Cooper Goebel
10th - Harry Nugent
Upcoming Dates
5th - Catholic Schools Week Liturgy - 11.30am - Parish Hall
9th - Parent Forum Meeting 3.30pm
12th - Mother's Day Liturgy and Picnic
2nd - Year 2 Showcase 2.15pm
12th - King's Birthday Public Holiday